Softag guarantees that all downloads appearing on the website are safe and free of viruses.

All the downloads that appear on the web have been added manually by our content team. This team installs and checks on our computers each and every one of the downloads that we upload on our servers, to ensure the user is free of viruses and are also safe downloads.

We check the downloads with at least 3 different antivirus to make sure they are really free of viruses. And once the report has been positive we upload the download to our server to offer it totally free to our users.

However, we advise you to analyze and check any software you are going to install on your system before installing it, for them you can use your antivirus or if you do not have one, you can use one of the antivirus that we offer for free: https://www.softag.com/windows/antivirus

It is important that you devote part of your time to the security of your system to prevent any virus, Trojan, spyware, etc.. put at risk your system as well as your photos, videos and all private information you have in your system.

We invite you to make good use of our downloads and is not responsible for any damage that may be done to your computer by any software you have downloaded from our servers, you must make sure well before installing any software and read each of the steps of the installation to avoid installing things that you have not asked to install.

The Softag.com team thanks you for your time and thanks you for your visit by adding hundreds of new downloads every week !!